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Affinity Webinar

Managing commercial tenancies during COVID-19

Affinity webinar: Managing commercial tenancies during COVID-19

The Federal Government’s release of the Mandatory Commercial Tenancies Code for commercial and retail leases, is now being rolled out by the majority of states and territories. 

While the devil is often in the detail of legislation or regulations, there are guiding principles for landlords and tenants managing rent relief.

Join our webinar, as our panel of Grant Thornton and MinterEllison experts dive into the core principles underpinning the Code.

During this session, we will cover:

  • the operation of the code;
  • tax considerations for landlords committing to rental relief;
  • commercial considerations for landlords and tenants;
  • information that should accompany a request for rent relief; and
  • options available when parties cannot agree.

Watch on-demand

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