Past Event: Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Navigating the new Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards

Exposure drafts for three mandatory Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards were released on Monday 23 October.

Watch our webinar for a comprehensive overview of:

  • Immediate considerations to prepare for the newly-released draft standards
  • Mandatory climate-related financial disclosures in Australia
  • Updates on sustainability reporting developments globally.

Grant Thornton CFO Advisory Partner, John Askham, and Senior Manager, Samantha Sing Key, also highlight key differences between existing international requirements and Australia’s proposed standards.


John Askham

John has over 16 years’ experience in advising private and public sector clients across a range of industries on the latest IFRS developments, and more recently, developing robust environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting strategies, my experience is cross-sector with a recent focus on energy and infrastructure.

Samantha Sing Key
Senior Manager, Audit & Assurance
Samantha Sing Key

Samantha is a Senior Manager in our CFO Advisory Services team and sustainability reporting technical specialist. As a member of the Grant Thornton International sustainability expert group, she is at the forefront of the technical aspects of sustainability reporting developments and the proposed local sustainability reporting requirements in Australia. Leveraging her previous experience as an auditor and IFRS Financial reporting technical team member, she is passionate about guiding clients to build technically sound and assurance-ready sustainability reporting systems, and IFRS accounting guidance.