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Federal Budget 2016/17

Malcolm and the middle

A mid market response to the federal budget

The 2016-17 Federal Budget is an election budget where growth and jobs are the main focus.

Transitioning from a mining-led economy to a stronger, more diverse economy; setting the foundation for a brighter future and a sustainable path to bringing the Budget back to balance.

We’re pleased to see that this Budget addresses the needs of Australia’s engine room:  mid-size business and that mid-size businesses are being recognised and supported to grow – immediately and into the future.

To understand more:

View Grant Thornton’s overview of 2016 Federal Budget

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Our team will be analysing the details of the Budget papers and will release a series of insights into what the big changes mean for industry and mid-size business. Please follow our live conversation here or this page over the coming days to download these insights.

A vibrant and dynamic business segment

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A simpler life for mid-size business

Grant Thornton’s federal Budget Wishlist for mid-size business

What will the future look like for aged care providers post-budget?

Federal Budget 2016-17: Live Blog

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