Past Event: Thursday, June 16, 2022

Forecasting and budgeting tips for Victorian high schools

With budgeting processes underway for schools, coupled with new forecasting requirements and considerations from the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority, now is the time for schools to consider their strategic ambitions and how they can be reflected in next year’s budget.

To help you prepare, listen back to our webinar as we dive into the most efficient ways to set up your budgets, how to avoid inconsistencies, tips and traps, and share some learnings in the format of case studies.

Featured speakers

Crystel Gangemi

Crystel has over 16 years’ experience in providing audit and advisory services to ASX listed, unlisted public and small to large private companies across a diverse range of industries

Derek Ng

Derek has provided audit and assurance services to stakeholders across a diverse portfolio of clients.