Past Event: Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Redefining Australia's philanthropic landscape

The recently released draft report by the Productivity Commission has ignited crucial conversations about the current state, challenges, and opportunities within the philanthropy space.

To ensure you're across the implications of the draft report, we were joined by Associate Commissioner, Krystian Seibert, as we dive into the recommended overhaul of the deductible gift recipient system, the proposal for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander philanthropic foundation, suggested strategies to tackle challenges like a complex regulatory framework, and more.

You'll leave this webinar with a deeper understanding of the report's draft findings and recommendations and the steps towards shaping a more effective, streamlined, and impactful philanthropic landscape in Australia.


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Bhavesh Narsey
Partner & National Head of Not for Profit

Bhavesh has over 14 years’ experience in public practice, including secondments to US and UK. Bhavesh is a social impact and not-for-profit sector specialist and focuses on educational institutions, aged care providers, community housing, disability and community services, environmental groups, arts and cultural organisations, co-operatives, membership associations, industry groups and the charity sector.

Peter Berg

Peter is focussed on getting to the heart of commercial issues when developing tax solutions.

Hannah Hiscox

Hannah has over 15 years’ experience with Grant Thornton Australia in the Audit and Assurance department. Hannah focuses solely on the Not-for-profit sector and is a specialist in the industry as her knowledge and experience allows her to quickly identify issues, particular audit requirements and share her industry insights.

Krystian Seibert
Associate Commissioner with the Productivity Commission
Krystian Seibert

Krystian has worked across government, academia and the not-for-profit sector. He has particular expertise in relation to the policy and regulatory frameworks that apply to the not-for-profit sector, with extensive experience shaping reforms in these areas.