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Katherine Shamai

Katherine Shamai

Partner – Consulting
Risk Consulting

Katherine works closely with C-suite and Boards, advising them on matters relating to financial crime, compliance and good governance, to ensure they have relevant frameworks in place and reduce the level of risk they are exposed to.

She brings a combination of industry and professional services experience, allowing her to give practical and pragmatic advice and recommendations tailored to suit the unique operating environment of each client. Recently, her engagements have included providing recommendations to strengthen control weaknesses identified, drafting risk assessment policies and procedures, and undertaking forensic investigations.

Katherine has worked with federal, state and local government agencies and departments, Not for Profits, ASX listed companies and private companies – in particular in the Financial Services, Gaming, Disability Support Services, and Education industries.

As a well-respected and trusted risk and financial crime expert, she has been appointed to the Editorial Advisory Board of both Fraud Magazine (Association of Certified Fraud Examiners) and Internal Auditor Magazine (Institute of Internal Auditors (US)).


  • Factual Investigations and Forensic Investigations involving fraud and corruption allegations, and misappropriation of funds
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) services – from advisory services through to Independent Reviews and Whistleblowing to uncover serious misconduct and fraud
  • Governance reviews and advice, including Board maturity assessments, creating and implementing governance arrangements and structures, and succession planning
  • Internal Audits, including the management of internal audit programs, reviews of internal controls, process mapping, working with management and audit committees
  • Risk assessments and compliance reviews, against legislative and regulatory requirements, funding agreements or service agreements, designing governance, risk and compliance frameworks around modern slavery, payment times reporting


  • Fellow, Governance Institute of Australia
  • Member, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ)
  • Licensed Private Investigator in VIC
  • Certified Member of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
  • Certification in Risk Management Assurance (IIA)
  • Certified Member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)
  • Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (ACAMS)
  • Certificate IV in Government (Investigation) and (Fraud Control)
  • Diploma in Government (Investigation)
  • Graduate Diploma in Applied Corporate Governance / Chartered Company Secretary
  • Graduate Certificate in Forensic Studies (Accounting)
  • Master of Practising Accounting
  • Bachelor of Business (Management)
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Katherine Shamai
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Katherine Shamai
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