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Industry issues

Going global

What it means for your business

Our global reach means we can offer practical help when establishing an international presence. 

Retailers looking to expand overseas know they need sustainable supply chains, strong relationships, marketing plans that attract business and the ability to manage complex international tax issues.

One of the first orders of business is creating a transfer pricing plan to avoid tax leakage and meet the requirements of the ATO. Other policies are needed to make sure you comply with overseas laws and reduce the risk of double taxation, not to mention avoidable customs duties, royalties, and withholding taxes.

How Grant Thornton can help

Our international tax group can help you structure your overseas and local business interests so they are tax effective. A bulletproof transfer pricing strategy involves a mix of accounting, tax consulting, and economic analysis – all Grant Thornton specialties. We can help you:

  • legitimately avoid other countries’ tax nets
  • manage international tax filings 
  • prepare international tax returns
  • repatriate overseas profits
  • finance your overseas business
  • understand overseas tax incentives
  • implement tax loss strategies
  • reduce the impact of double tax treaties
  • handle ATO transfer pricing and CFC risk reviews and audits
  • manage withholding tax