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Industry issues

Scaling operations as you grow

Simon Coulton Simon Coulton

What it means for your business

Cheaper computing and cloud hosting means it costs less to launch a business than at any time in history. New competition can come from anywhere at any time.

That said, if you’re looking to scale up, you may well need funding. How is your business case structured? What issues will you encounter? How will you overcome them?

Rapid growth poses unique challenges in building capabilities and scaling internal processes.

As companies expand across borders they should also consider how to deploy business functions like research and development, accounting or sales. 

How Grant Thornton can help

We can help you create efficient systems that save money and deliver greater value to investors. We review and benchmark your operational performance, and offer advice on business processes, integrating services, analysing costs, managing enterprise risk, commercialising IP, and structuring tax affairs across different jurisdictions. 

We can also help you identify high-calibre individuals and organisations in your industry in readiness for the day you need more talent.